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Bri Condon, M.A.
Owner and Principal Consultant
Bachelor of Science: Outdoor Education
Master of Arts: Risk Management and Adventure Education

Bri weaves leadership skills, empathy, playfulness and sarcasm to coach people and agencies. As an experienced Executive Director, Social Impact Executive, Business consultant, Risk manager and Public speaker, Bri values storytelling, feats of physical endurance, and complex business puzzles that involve humans + numbers.

Bri holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Outdoor Education and a Master’s Degree in Adventure Education/Risk Management. Bri often works with entrepreneurs, for-profit companies, non-profit organizations, social service agencies, state child welfare agencies, school districts and community programs.

Bri has a passion for addressing social inequities faced by underserved populations and individuals that have extensive trauma histories. From 2019-2024 Bri served as the Executive Director of the west coasts oldest domestic violence agency as its longest serving Executive Director. Bri is the Owner & Principle Consultant of Alchemy Consultation & Training Services.

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